Bridget has starred in 3 films. She was introduced to us in 2001 via Bridget Jones Diary.
The first movie examines Bridget's relationships with her friends and family.
It introduces us to her work and the reason why she had to leave before getting a hosting job on TV's Wake Up Britian!
Bridget finally gets together with Mark Darcy after a torrid affair with the "nasty bastard" Daniel Cleaver.

Bridget Jones Diary - Offical Trailer:

However, this was shortlived as in the second film, Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason, the insecure Bridget accuses Mark of having an affair with his co-worker Rebecca.
Mark is not that excited about Bridget's behaviour so she decides to travel to Thailand with her TV new co-worker Daniel Cleaver!
In short she gets involved in a serious international incident, fortunately she has an ex boyfriend who happens to be a human rights lawyer (Mark Darcy) who comes to save her.
Bridget finally realises that Mark does indeed love her and that she is blissfully happy with him.

Bridget Jones: the Edge of Reason - Offical Trailer:

The third movie is Bridget Jones's Baby. As the title suggests Bridget does indeed have a baby, the only complication being she is not sure who the father is.
Bridget finds herself once again single so to spice things up we are introduced to a new character, the one and only Jack Qwant.
Bridget's previous love interest Mark Darcy has married someone else and Daniel Cleaver has died!
Bridget has two drunken encounters, one with Jack and once again with Mark Darcy and ends up pregnant to one of them.
Both men support her during the pregnancy mostly by trying to outdo each other.
We don't find out who is the father until the end of the film when Bridget finally gets married to the father of her baby.
But I will leave that to you to find out who it is ...

Bridget Jones's Baby - Offical Trailer